Miracle Drinks Elixirs
kidney failure who was on dialysis in 2008 & Son’s blood Cancer (AML) in 2010.
It’s 40 years experiment of Dr. SM Raju IAS in
medical science for healing family members
as a Passion.
Hon. Union Minister for AYUSH advised bringing his invention to the
Public in 2015 when he was got healed from Dr. Raju’s treatment.
The Govt. of India & Karnataka funded the project.
Neo-Ayurveda is a Blending of Allopathic Principles
with Ayurveda & No Metals only Herbs
Miracle Drinks Products Launched by the Hon.AYUSH Minister
GOI 10th Oct 2016 at Constitutional Club New Delhi

Patient Testimonies
National, International Awards & Recognition for Dr. SM Raju IAS –
for inventing herbal compounds for incurable diseases and tree plantation.

His Excellency Governor of Karnataka,Honoured for tree plantations and the invention of herbal compounds in 2018.

Bharat Gaurav, Award awarded by Hon Minister for Steel Mr. Faggan Singh Kulaste in New Delhi 2018.

Times health excellence awarded by HonUnion Minister Sadananda Gowda forinventing herbal compounds in 2018

Dr. Abdul Kalam appreciated Dr. Raju’s innovative work in tree plantation forcreating employment and increasing forest areas – 2012

Celebrating India UAE success story
awarded Globe Luxurie Decode for
inventing herbal compounds in Dubaiin 2017
Know more about Neo-Ayurveda
There is no Science in the world in the current medical field to regenerate the cells in
dysfunctional organs
In Neo-Ayurveda, through the cell-regeneration process, we rejuvenate the
dysfunctional organs.
For 1st time in the History of Ayurvedic medical science, treatment protocol for
more than 170 incurable diseases was standardized. It does not exist in Ayurveda now.
Have faith in yourself to live more than 100 years
without anybody’s support. Nature has all the solutions.
The human body is like an iron statue it’s, having enormous power to get rejuvenate
through proper nourishment; we should know how to nourish all the organs
(more than 80 organs)
Food is a medicine; the father of Ayurveda, Charaka, says Aaar is Paramaushad,
and the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, says food is medicine.
We Neo-Ayurveda knows how to nourish deprived organs.

Know more about Kidney Disease
They are responsible for a number of important functions in the body, including filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood, regulating the balance of electrolytes and other chemicals in the body producing hormones that regulate blood pressure and stimulate the production of red blood cells, and activating vitamin D.
KIDNEY FAILURE IS IS ASSESSED ON THE BASIS OF THE GFR STAGE ONE TO STAGE FIVE, & STAGE FIVE IS THE LAST STAGE OF THE KIDNEY FAILURE WHEREIN EXCEPTDIALYSIS OR KIDNEY TRANSPLANT NO SOLUTION AS PER THE CURRENTMEDICAL SCIENCE. IN NEO AYURVEDA, EVEN E GFR, even if it is less than ten, also Kidney will get rejuvenate within three months to one year if the patient properly follows the treatment protocol with diet as defined by Dr. SM Raju.
When Dialysis is Required
As per Dr SM Raju’s view even if creatinine is more than 20 alsodialysis is not required except under the following conditions.
a) If urine flow completely gets stopped
b) If urine flow completely gets stopped and breathing problems.
c) If urine flow completely gets stopped and has a breathing
problem with a hemoglobin level is less than seven.
How quickly results can be seen in Dr. SM Raju’s treatment protocol
& his strict diet regime.
a) Within 10 days body swelling reduces.
b) All the blood parameter is started normalizing
c) Getting good sleep, a good appetite, & good energy, increases urine flow.
d) Fourth-day Diabetes-related chronic kidney patients shall be tapered down the insulin/ tablets.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. In how many days results can be seen?
a) If a proper Diet follows, it can be seen within 10 to 15 days.
b) Creatinine level Will be reduced in one week to two weeks; meanwhile,
urea and uric acid will also be reduced, and hemoglobin level increaSes by
maintaining Calcium, sodium, and chloride.
2. Can Allopathic medicines be consumed along with Miracle drinks and Health Supplements?
a) Yes, allopathic medicines can be consumed with Miracle Drinks supplements.
b) In CKD, except for BP, Diabetes, and thyroid medication, no other medications are required to take; all these medicinal values are in our health supplements/ medicine, including diuretic medicinal value.
3. Are there any side effects with consuming Miracle drinks or Health Supplements? Does it contain any purified metals, chemicals, etc.?
a) Miracle drinks health supplements do not contain any metals or chemicals; its 100% herbal extracts.
b) As per the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs (FSSAI) guidelines, all the herbs which have been used in miracle drinks branded products have been declared as health supplements vide circular no F.NO.14/nutraceuticals/FSSAI – 2003. Dated 24 November 2016.
4. What types of vegetables, pulses can be used in food preparation, and in what quantity can be consumed?
a) All types of leached vegetables and leafy vegetables except for raw bananas can be used in food preparation; in the food, leached vegetables and leafy vegetables, 70 to 90% should be used, in which 5 to 10% and pulses can be used except red gram and horse gram.
b) Green chilies, garlic, ginger, tomato, and spices are all having medicinal value.
c) Fats and oils are poisonous to the Diet during treatment, except for tadaka, which should be used.
d) Try to take more leafy vegetables ( Saag) as much as possible, as its having high levels of Calcium and easily digestible protein; up to 4%, it should be leached before consumption. ( Nefro dietician says that Leafy vegetables should not be consumed as its having high potash) but leached leafy vegetables are very important in the Diet as it has been experimented on by Dr. Raju on his father. ).
e) In every meal, less than 25% of cereals should be there, and more than 75% of vegetables and leafy vegetables should be there.
f) Fish and chicken should be less than 20%
What type of cereals should be consumed?
Rice, wheat, Jowar. No millets
5. What type of fruits can be consumed?
a) All fruits can be consumed in limited quantities except bananas.
b) The quantity should be taken by maintaining the normal potassium
level in the blood parameters
6. How to increase hemoglobin levels in CKD patients?
a) Strictly following the Renal Diet
b) it helps in increasing hemoglobin levels within ten days to one month.
c) Haemoglobin levels are always interrelated with Creatinine levels. It is
a myth that increasing the consumption of fruits helps in increasing
hemoglobin levels; therefore, one should not increase fruit consumption.
7. How much salt must be consumed in a day, and how should it be consumed?
a) No more than 5 grams of salt should be consumed in a day.
b) In every meal, 1 g salt pocket/ sashes should be used; thereby, one can
control the consumption of salt within 5 g.
8. Can non-vegetarian foods be allowed?
a) No red meat should be consumed under any circumstances.
b) Fish can be consumed only when prepared as per the recipe defined in
the Diet; Fish is like an elixir for the regeneration of the kidney cells; for
those who consume Fish, the improvement of e GFR rate will be very fast.
c) De-skinned chicken can also be consumed when prepared as per the
recipe defined in the renal Diet.
9. Can spices be used to prepare foods?
Yes, spices have medicinal valued phytochemicals that are beneficial for the
kidneys and other organs.
10. Can we use oils and fats (ghee or butter)?
No, it can only be used in tadka (food tempering), and that too in only limited
quantities of less than ½ teaspoon.
11. How much water can be consumed?
Including all foods, less than l liter of water should be consumed.

+1 888-395-8038
The information provided here is to educate the site visitors about the services that we provide. Please do not consume any of our solution
without a proper consultation and advice from our certified and professional Ayurvedic specialists. They need to understand the current health
status prior to suggesting you further treatment(s).
We’re authorized and approved by the US-FDA, FSSAI, WHO GMP, AYUSH and HALAL.
Connect with an Ayurveda Specialist to discuss
more about Holistic Cure for Chronic Kidney Disease
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